MON 5/14

“Silverback” Week 6
Building further in our 5-3-1 squat phases, finishing with a back squat single at 95%. Body Armor to close our Monday.
Next week (#7), will be a mid-cycle de-load week. A necessary break that allows us to continue the climb to higher percentages.
TUE 5/15
Our final week in our first gymnastic pressing progression in “Silverback”.Following, building to a heavy set of 3 repetitions on the deadlift. Serving as a primer for the following benchmark, “Smooth Criminal”, we’ll end our day with an AMRAP 15.
WED 5/16
Second week in our push press progression, building upon last week’s 65%. Technical work on our clean and jerk, which leads into our conditioning for the day. A benchmark we will see again this season – “Tiger Blood” coupling clean and jerks with running.
THUR 5/17
“Thursday 30”
Whether it be upon rising, before bed, or anywhere in between, working these 30 minutes will make a significant difference in our recovery, performance, and longevity.
FRI 5/18
Starting the training day by building upon our front squats from last week. Adding 2% to our volume based sets, and 3% to our three heavier singles at the end. Conditioning to follow in the form of a chipper.
SAT 5/19
Fourth and final session on our current Olympic Cycling progression. Continuing the increase percentages over the recent weeks, snatches are up to 70% with clean and jerks at 60%.
Following, a repeat workout with only an empty barbell – “Lava Run”.


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