What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a highly effective regimen of continuously-varied functional movements from diverse fields (including gymnastics, strength & conditioning, weightlifting, running/rowing) and executes them at high intensity to achieve broad-based fitness.  It is the primary strength and conditioning program used by many professional athletes, firefighters, police, military, and a growing percent of the general public.  CrossFit delivers a fitness that is — by design — broad, general, and inclusive.  Our specialty is in “not specializing“.  Combat, survival, sports and life in general tend to reward this kind of broad-based fitness.  As a means of enhancing overall health and slowing the debilitating effects of aging, CrossFit is unsurpassed.  The program is highly scalable, making it perfect for any committed individual regardless of age or experience.  The needs of Olympic athletes, teenagers, housewives and elderly grandparents differ by degree — not by kind.  We scale load and intensity, but do not need to change the program.  Each day, the coach designs a different workout with the dual goals of providing maximum benefit AND keeping sessions fun & interesting.