MON 5/7


“Silverback” Week 5.
Moving into a new back squat repetition scheme for the coming weeks – 5/3/1 waves. As we climb in percentages on the lifts, we reduce the volume. Following, a single – higher volume set of front squats to close the squatting portion. We’ll build in percentage here for weeks to come. Then, Body Armor to finish the day.
TUE 5/8
Week 4 on our gymnastic pushing progression to start the day. Following with a CrossFit Hero workout – “Jerry”. Midline to finish.
WED 5/9
Progressing into our next focus on our overhead work – push press. Building first to a 1-rep heavy to gauge where we currently are, followed by percentage work and Body Armor. Conditioning to finish, in the form of interval training.
THUR 5/10
Today is a Rest Day for some and a Tabata Day for others. The Rest Day people will have a Mobility piece and then some kind of Active Recovery WOD.
“Thursday 30”
Whether it be upon rising, before bed, or anywhere in between, working these 30 minutes will make a significant difference in our recovery, performance, and longevity.
FRI 5/11:
Opening the day with new “Silverback” primers, followed by percentage work on the front squat.
We will be building on these numbers in the coming weeks.
Body Armor to follow, closing out our strength training for the day.
Conditioning to finish. An AMRAP 20 effort, designed to focus on our pacing.
SAT 5/12:
Third session of Olympic Cycling, building in percentages on both the snatch and clean and jerk.
Following, a longer range chipper in two versions – team (if able, preferable), or individual.

Kathy Price, Owner


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