MON 4/30:

“Silverback” Week 4.
Week 2 of this specific primer set, aiming to build upon last week.
This will also be the final week (4th) of this specific 6-4-2 squat repetition scheme. Body Armor to close.
Muscle Monday.
TUE 5/1:
Week 3 on our gymnastic pushing progression.
Following, a variation of a workout we’ve completed in the past using hang power snatches instead of deadlifts. Midline to finish.
WED 5/2:
Building to a heavy hang squat clean. Not an absolute max, but we are free to climb if the weights feel good. Following, an ascending ladder of hang squat cleans and toes to bar.
THUR 5/3:
If it’s a Rest Day for you I will have a Mobility piece and an Active Recovery piece. Otherwise, there will be either a TABATA or Interval WOD for you.
“Thursday 30”
Whether it be upon rising, before bed, or anywhere in between, working these 30 minutes will make a significant difference in our recovery, performance, and longevity.
FRI 5/4:
Our final week of the strict press progression and our positional front squatting. We are looking for a modest increase in loading.
SAT 5/5:
Opening the day with technique work on the power clean.
Taking positions confirmed from the skill work, moving into a longer conditioning effort involving a moderate distance run, with a moderate amount of power cleans per round. Great chance today to dial in on pacing.

On Monday, we we will be entering Phase II, where we will see changes on the percentages and repetition schemes to our strength training. Been a great first four weeks – with the best yet to come.

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