MON 5/21

“Silverback” – Week 7 – Deload Week
In our mid-cycle deload week, we are purposely backing off the heavier loading, most notably below parallel. We’ve gone heavy below parallel twice per week for 6 weeks, and despite the linear progress, it’s time to allow ourselves a week of recovery to continue the push. What often feels like one step backwards, turns into 10 steps forwards when we look at it in hindsight months from now.
What we canand willsustain is metabolic conditioning this week. Today, a combination of clean and jerks with double-unders, with strict gymnastics to finish. There will be aggressive conditioning pieces this week – allowing us to continue to improve, despite the underlying intentions of the week (recovery). But following each piece, we are looking to minimize any additional training to achieve that goal.
TUE 5/22
Week 7 in “Silverback” – Deload Week
Aim here as a refresher is to continue to build our engine, but keep the volume and loadings down this week. Through our single conditioning piece today, “Anchored Down”, we’ll be building intensity through intervals. Midline work to finish.
WED 5/23
Technical work on our snatch to start our session, priming our movement for a following benchmark, “Snake Bite”. A pull / pull workout, combining squat snatches and chest to bar pull-ups, strategy and approach is just as important here than fitness in finding our best times.
 THUR 5/24
If today is NOT a Rest Day for you, I will have a daily WOD available
 If today IS your Rest Day, you will have a Mobility and an Active Recovery piece available
 “Thursday 30”
Whether it be upon rising, before bed, or anywhere in between, working these 30 minutes will make a significant difference in our recovery, performance, and longevity.
FRI 5/25
Still Deload Week.
We have two parts today: A classical benchmark of ours, “Boat Race” and a skill based finisher involving handstand pushups. Already looking forward to next week.
SAT 5/26
Final day of our mid-cycle “Silverback” Deload. MURPH today as well as Monday. I will have another WOD available on Monday. Babysitter on Saturday, but not Monday.

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